Friday, November 23, 2012

Marching on

Feet of Memory Inc. marches on toward a successful Walk from Key West to Maine. As we hold public events and fundraisers, we also get the word about about Alzheimer's disease and its effects on lives...not just the one with the disease, but the family and community. Unlike many other diseases, Alzheimer's steals away one's life....past, present and future. Memories, self-awareness, and closest relationships are wiped away as the disease progresses. It may begin at an early age....such as 50s or 60s, but aging beyond 80 is the 'norm.' Researchers continuously seek the reasons why people develop this disease, as well as means to control and even end it.
Alzheimer's stole away Geoffrey's mother Pat...for more than 24 years, she slipped deeper and deeper into the thickening clouds of memory loss. Like many patients, her physical health was pretty good. She was a strong and fit Kiwi woman and to look at her - until the later stages of Alzheimer's disease, you might not know her memory and ability to speak coherently, to tell you her name, or recognize her family....had gone.
Our goal is to walk these 2,400 miles beginning on the anniversary of Pat's birthday 17 March, 2013 and tell her story...which is the story of many... as we journey historic U.S. Rt. 1. More than 32 millions people live within a 25 mile radius of this road, and we want to share her story while raising funds so others won't ever have a similar story to tell.
Thank you for your support.
Feet of Memory Inc is located in Canton, Ohio, with an international goal to present endurances walks to help end Alzheimer's disease...whether here in the US or in other global locations. Additionally, Geoffrey offers several solo theatrical performances to groups. His performances include "Tenacity" which is about his mother's journey with Alzheimer's disease, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," "The Gospel of St Mark," and "Sermon on the Mount." Rose offers Lessons in a Lunchbox to retirement homes, adult day centers and other organizations with people in early to mid-stage dementias.
Contact us at 330-819-8109 (Geoffrey)
or via email: feetmemory@
on our website at

Thursday, November 15, 2012

how does your money help

When you donate to our nonprofit organization,Feet of Memory, Inc, your donations help local Alzheimer's Association chapters meet the needs of people wth Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers. For example, our local chapter in Canton, Ohio provides numerous support groups, educational opportunities, Safe Return and more. As Feet of Memory helps the Alzheimer's Association by raising funds and awareness, we help provide important services and information.

Monies raised toward the  2,400 mile walk from Key West to Maine along historic US Rt 1 in 2013 help us do our work in order to raise MANY dollars toward research, education and support services. Additionally, the media coverage alone will help build awareness of the scope and issues of Alzheimer's disease.

We thank you for your support of Feet of Memory!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Alzheimer's disease has been in the news a good deal lately as research studies point to some hopeful finds. Aspirin may help prevent inflammation and less inflammation means (perhaps and hopefully) fewer chances for Alzheimer's disease. I know a local doctor who pretty well recommends that everyone take at least one 81 mg aspirin per day...some exceptions apply, but he truly believes that less inflammation is good for just about everything. Another uses the European dosage that equals two 'baby' aspirin.

Inflammation seems to be at least partly responsible for a host of ailments and diseases. Please read this article about chronic inflammation. always, continue to read up on other points of view and research findings.

Feet of Memory Inc. is dedicated to raising awareness and funds to help bring an end to Alzheimer's disease.

Geoffrey's 2,400 mile walk planned for March-July 2013 is just one way in which we accomplish our goal. We offer theatrical performances to schools that help explain memory loss to youngsters. Geoffrey presents several solo performances ranging from the Rime of the Ancient Mariner to the Sermon on the Mount in King James English. He memorized this in response to the 400th anniversary in 2011 of the release of the King James Bible. He also offers "Tenacity" - an original play about his mothers journey into memory loss and Alzheimer's disease.

Email us at fo details on how to book your own performance.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

We created our first newsletter today  - for a free copy send us a contact email at

Here are some excerpts:

Hartville Market Place/Flea Market on January 26

 We have an exciting promotional opportunity at the popular Hartville Market Place on Saturday, January 26, thanks to the management’s generosity.
A sales and promotional table will be at the high-traffic market – where tee shirts, special jewelry and mugs will go on sale, and donations and sign-ups  be accepted.

 The Darlings will be on hand while the table is operating, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Special events
  Benefit Wine Tasting
November 17: 6-8:30pm
Maize Valley Winery
Winterfest Walkathon
Canton’s Stadium Park/Garden Center
Operatoonity! Lincoln Theatre, Massillon. Central Caltholic Choir, Bugs Bunny and more! In February!

From the walker - Geoffrey
Every step along this walk is a step surrounded by the people we will take with us – some passed, some under the yoke of Alzheimer’s Disease and many, like us, determined to see an end to it.
It’s what St Paul called a cloud of witnesses and it’s a reminder of wherever we go we take ourselves and our influences with us  - but it’s more.
 So many people who have given already to the cause are motivated by their own loss and we keep them in the forefront of our minds as we contemplate the enormity of this task.
No matter how hard, it is possible when we still have our minds, soul, strength – and  spirit.
My thoughts often roam to the early days when my mother Pat noticed her memory was beginning to fade.
She said her thoughts were becoming like thinking through cotton wool. She also predicted that she would live a long life but not remember much of it……she was right.
 I am dedicated to do what I can to help end Alzheimer’s disease. Please help by supporting Feet of Memory Inc. Each step we take is a step closer to finding that end to Alzheimer’s.
I am available to give solo performances of Mark’s Gospel or the Sermon on the Mount or Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Contact me for information.
Thanksgiving Day is nearly here, although it seems in recent years, it’s the American holiday that is overlooked in the rush to Christmas. Let’s remember the blessings we enjoy and remember to help those in need.

Many families come to the holidays with heartache knowing that “Mom,” who used to love to prepare the feast, no longer recalls what day it is and why they celebrate. It is for those with memory loss that we diligently work toward our mission.

Feet of Memory Inc. formed August 2012 as a certified nonprofit organization in the State of Ohio Nonprofit. IRS 501(c)3  is pending.




Geoffrey 330-819-8109
Rose 330-639-5378
Geoffrey Darling
5186 Everhard Rd NW Apt 4
Canton, OH 44718
Find us on Facebook

We value your thoughts
and ideas. If you have a
great idea for a fundraiser,
please let us know.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's been a while since the blue writing appeared - code that it's Geoffrey writing and not Rose -business is no excuse and it's over a week since news of Feet of Memory's walk went coast to coast - literally.

The day the Canton Repository article appeared - the same day we woke to no electricity thanks to Superstorm Sandy - my namesake in Oregon, Geoffrey Darling also, contacted me - long story of finding each other on the 'net 15 years ago - and sharing lifestyle chats and jokes about people that make jokes about our name. He'd been shown the link and hoped we would call in when we do the next walk, the West Coast.

Then a phone call from a newspaper in Maine - really northern Maine and the last spot on the walk, the light at the end of the tunnel as it were. I told the editor how much I was looking forward to seeing her little town - on July 3 next year. She just wanted to confirm all the details of Gary Brown's article were correct and I assured her they were more accurate than if I had written them - ie they contained not even unintentional errors. It was fine work from Mr Brown (noticed any slips in punctuation? - that's me deliberately not using AP style).
Training continues in maintenance mode - that is about seven miles most days and at least two to four every day. I was on a harder surface than the towpath today and left a little soreness - we'll have to watch that. Race walkers tell me the shin soreness goes after a while. It certainly dissipates when I stop.

So now the countdown to the November 17 wine-tasting at Maize Valley - tickets $25/head for the wine-tasting and $18 for non-alcohol drinking attendees.

From time to time Rose and I try try to post a comment to see how hard it is - and find it is like drawing teeth while jumping through hoops. So rather than let it go, as we did, you can contact us on email: - love to hear from you

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Aspirin and Alzheimer's

You may have already read this article from Yahoo. But it's worth a review or a first time read. As always, new research findings on Alzheimer's or any other disease or condition are often the tip of the iceberg and further testing must be done, but this does offer hope. We take our daily  aspirin  - How about you?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lewy Body dementia

Yesterday, while attending a Rotary Club meeting, a gentleman approached Geoffrey to tell him of a type of dementia called Lewy Body dementia which is the second leading cause of dementia in elderly Americans. We are looking into this and will share information with you soon.

In the meantime, the Benefit Wine Tasting is coming up! November 17 is the day from 6-8:30 p.m. at Maize Valley Winery. Maize Valley was recently seen on CNN. The television crew interviewed visotors to the winery about their thoughts on the presidential election.

Benefit Wine Tasting

Saturday, November 17 from 6-8:30 p.m.

At Maize Valley Winery

On Rt 619 just east of Hartville

$25.00 per person includes:

4 wine tastings of your choice and finger foods, live music

Additional opportunities at your own cost include:

Wine tickets for additional tastings, food and beverages in the restaurant,

A Corn Hole Tournament, silent auction, 50/50 raffle

Tables of eight receive one free ticket…so bring friends!

Optional non-alcoholic ticket at $18.00 Includes finger foods, water and coffee

Proceeds to benefit the Feet of Memory Inc Walk from Key West, Florida to Maine to help end Alzheimer’s disease.

Geoffrey 330-819-8109

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Newspaper coverage

Great press coverage in today's local newspaper the Repository, Canton, Ohio. Reporter Gary Brown met up with Geoffrey while on a 24 mile walk just prior to the launch reception last week, and wrote this great piece.
We'd love to hear from our readers...write us at

Feet of Memory supports research, education and support services for individuals and families dealing with Alzheimer's disease.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Launch reception

Such a busy, busy time as we prepare and advertise for the launch tomorrow evening, October 24. If you can, please come along to Jackson Library on Fulton Road NW just across the street from Jackson High School. We'll be there from 5-7 p.m. with presentations by Geoffrey Darling, Rose Darling, and Alzheimer's Association representatives. Meet the Board of Directors, and hear details of the walk from Key West to Maine. Nibble on delicious London's Candies chocolates and Heggy's nuts.

Why are we doing this? Geoffrey's mother Pat lived in the dark shadows of Alzheimer's diesease for 24 years until she passed on five days after her 90th birthday this year in March. Not only did she suffer because of this disease, but the whole family and her friends suffered right along with her, then, when her memory was gone, theirs continued. Feet of Memory Inc was created to raise awareness and funds to help end Alzheimer's disease through research, education and support services.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Maize Valley Winery CNN

Please follow this url to read a story about Maize Valley Winery, the location for the Feet of Memory Benefit Wine Tasting on November 17 from 6-8:30. A $25 ticket gets you four wine tastings of your choice and appetizers. Live music in the wine bar, Corn Hole Tournament and other games, 50/50 raffle and silent auction. Additional opportunities include wine tasting tix for a modest cost, food on your own from the restaurant and shopping in the old-time store.

Feet of Memory Inc raises awareness and funds that support Alzheimer's research, education and support services.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Tickets are now available for an enjoyable evening, November 17 at our Wine Tasting at Maize Valley Farms near Hartville on Rt 619. 6-8:30pm. The event ticket ($25.00 per person) includes four (4) wine tastings of your choice from the wine bar and you keep the glass, and appetizers in the Pavilion with Feet of Memory. Live music at the wine bar. Additional wine tickets may be purchased.

 A CORN HOLE TOURNAMENT...Come on, all you bean bag tossers...let's see who is the best! Winnr splits fees earned from the tourney 50/50 with Feet of Memory.
Additional opportunities for a low cost) include silent auction items including a wine basket from Maize Valley, a 50/50 drawing, and "Pat's Corner" merchandise (Pat was Geoffrey's mother who had Alzheimer's disease for 24 years) such as Feet of Memory tee's ($20) and specially designed aquamarine jewelry by Lynn Marie Jewelry. Contact us at

Feet of Memory Inc. supports Alzheimer's research, education and support services through long-distance endurance walks and theatre. On March 17 ,2012, Geoffrey Darling, co-founder, will start a 2,400 mile trek to raise awareness and funds His walk takes him up historic US Rt. 1 from Key West to Ft. Kent Maine. Future walks to include the Pacific West Coast, the Gulf Coast, Ireland, England from Land's End to John O'Groats, and others.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Grandma doesn't remember me anymore

"Why doesn't Grandma remember my name anymore?"
Not many questions are sadder than this. How sad for a child to stand by a dear grandparent and that one who used to play ball, tell stories and play hide and seek cannot remember the child's name.

How sad for the wife of 57 years to sit across from a breakfast table only to hear her beloved husband call her by a different name.

Such as scenes every day as Alzheimer's disease steals away memories, names, places, Memory loss starts small and grows until it eats away most of one's life's memories. even the body itself is affected by its own kind of memory to tie shoes, the urge to eat, or use the bathroom, or what time of day it is. Some people cannot tell the temperature and go outside dressed for summertime when the snow is blowing.

We at Feet of Memory Inc. set a goal to raise as much awareness and money to join in the challenge to bring an end - soon - to Alzheimer's disease. Your gifts and continued support of events and fundraising drives makes an impact. You help provide support services like support groups and educational seminars to family members and caregivers. You help provide funds for further research. You...yes, YOU, help us find an end to Alzheimer's disease when you support Feet of Memory Inc. we are a nonprofit organization in Ohio, but our Feet take us many places to raise money and awareness.

If your life and family has been touched by Alzheimer's disease, please write to us at we would love to hear your story. We also thank you for your donations and gift cards to national chain restaurants, hotels, gasoline stations, and general use such as Visa or Master Card prepaid gift cards. These help us do our work.

As you know, the months are swiftly flying by and we will soon be on our trek from Key West to Ft. Kent Maine. This journey of 2400 miles starts with a single step, and those many steps are made possible by the freewill donations of people like you.

Thank you.

Friday, October 5, 2012

What's Up!

Mark your calendar for these dates, please:
Feet of Memory Inc. invites you to its Launch Reception
Wednesday, October 24 from 5-7 pm
Jackson Library, Massillon, Canton, Ohio
9:00am Geoffrey sets out on the walking path for a 24 mile walk, representing the average number of miles he will walk each day on his 2,400 mile trek from Key West to Ft. Kent, Maine March 17-July 4, 2013. Come walk with him for all or part of the day. Gather up some support for your walk then donate to Feet of Memory so we can continue our support of the Alzheimer's Association and their work in research, education and support services.
5:00 Begin to gather at the Library
5:30 Welcome from Board of directors and CEOs. Performance sampler by Geoffrey Darling
5:55-6:15: presentations by Rose Daring, Loren Veigel, artistic director of VOCI, and Alzheimer's Association.
6:15: Official launch
6:30 Balloons of Memory launch
6:45 Future events and raffle drawings
November 17 - 6-8:30 pm: Wine Tasting at Maize Valley Farms' Pavilion on Rt 619 Hartville.
$25.00pp includes 4 wine tastings of your choice and appetizers.
Additional opportunities include a Corn Hole Tournament, raffle baskets including a wine basket from Maize Farms, and 50/50 drawing. Live music in the lounge.
We'll see you there!
Contact for additional information.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Stick to the Plan

.... and the plan will stick to you. That was the mantra on the Ohio and Erie Canal towpath yesterday. Stick to the Plan, Stick to the Plan, Stick to the Plan - the chant that echoed in my increasingly empty head. The rhythm of the 4mph walking reinforced my determination to stick to the plan - it's so easy to veer off the original intent - this day the plan was 12 miles fast walking to compensate for the lack of time for anything else. The beauty of an out-and-back walk, compared with laps around a track is a greater incentive to "Stick to the Plan" - and you can always come home faster than you went out. The plan is rarely made until arrival at the start - but the big rule is to stick to it once it's made - At 40 Corners three women were girding their loins for a run - almost daring each other to set off, and so they did about the same time I did. With three it's easier to stick to the plan, no-one dares to cry off as a lone wolf can easily do. The women's slow jog, an estimated 5mph, contrasted with my rapid walk - 4+mph and meant they stayed in sight for some time on the long straights and large curves of the towpath, but eventually they disappeared and just acorn-laden squirrels and the resident blue heron accompanied me - no cyclists on this still, almost drizzling morning - plenty of time for the mantra - "Stick to the Plan and it will Stick to You" - four strides worth of wisdom which we have heard throughout our lives. Keep Your Eye on the Goal; No Looking Back etc - and the plan - as regular readers will know - is enormous; to walk from Key West in Florida to the top of Maine  in 100 days to raise funds and awareness for the Alzheimer's Association - the plan is unfolding, we just need to stick to it. Fitness is the first thing we have found - the 30 day walk under the belt now we just need to maintain - organization comes next and that is well underway with the launch of Feet of Memory Inc. on March 24 in the Jackson Library, Canton and a winetasting at Maize Valley, Hartville, on November 17.
That's the Plan and we are Sticking to it

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I apologize for my sister had a stroke last week, and my oldest son got married. Of such opposites is life.

Speaking of opposites, when I worked in a long term care health care home, it was often difficult to see residents begin the downhill descent into the darkness of memory loss. As activities diector, it was my job to devise programs to help keep minds stimulated, and to bring out hidden talents or interests. A very elderly Chinese resident had a wonderful gift of art and never knew it until he joined my watercolor class. In his first class, he painted a beautiful a delicate, Chinese style. He became a prolific painter! His English was not good, and his hearing was very bad so he could not communicate well with people. But he could paint, and paint he did! His verbal communication was not good, but his visual communication was beautiful....opposites in action.

Even people with memory loss may find such hidden or latent skills. In 2013, we will add to our Feet of Memory program a drama club for those with mild memory loss. It will be a club where they can learn lines, express themselves in drama and music, and stimulate portions of the brain.

But first, the extreme endurance Walk from Key West to Maine will be completed in 2013. Geoffrey continues to train so the walk will be successful. As you know, this walk will help raise Awareness and Funds for Alzheimer's research, education and support services.

We now have several events planned to help make this walk possible. Here is a list for the next few months:

October 24: 5-7 pm Launch reception at Jackson Library, Canton/Massilon, Ohio. Geoffrey will embark on a 24 mile walk at 9am. You are welcome to join him! Then at 5:30 Geoffrey will give a dramatic presentation followed by other presentations by Rose Darling, Loren Veigel, the Artistic Director of Canton's VOCI, and a research update from the Alzheimer's Association. The official launch is at 6:15 followed by a Balloons of Memory lift-off and updates on events, and raffle drawing.
Nuts 'n Chocolates to enjoy, raffle, and "Pat's Corner" jewelry by Lynn Marie Jewelry, and teeshirts.

November 17: 6-8:30pm Wine Tasting at Maize Valley Farms near Hartville, Ohio. Tickets are $25.00 each adult and include - Four wine tastings of your choice (you keep the glass)
Live music in the lounge
Raffle including a wine basket from Maize Valley
Corn Hole Tournament
50/50 drawing and more!
You may contact us at for tickets. A list of places where you may purchase tickets in the Canton area will soon be posted.

December:The Christmas Party Hop...Dance the evening away to the sounds of the 60s and 70s at our Christmas Party at Lake Cable Clubhouse!! Date and details to be announced soon.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Whew....I've been so busy planning and working toward the Launch that I've hardly had time to sit down and write to you. So I will start the day here, instead of there....

For those of you in the Canton/Akron/Massillon area of Ohio, we do hope you will pop in to the launch of Feet of Memory Inc on Wednesday, October 24 from 5-7pm at the Jackson Library on Fulton Road. Meet the Board, Founders, hear a dramatic original presentation by Founder and CEO Geoffrey Darling, aka our Walker. Other presenters include Loren Veigel, Artistic Director of VOCI,Inc. will share his family's journey with Alzheimer's disease, and a representative from the Alzheimer's Association will update research news. Rose Darling, Co-Founder and co-CEO gives a sample from her "Lessons in a Lunchbox" - a faith-based non-denominational, interactive program for those with mild to moderate memory loss, and their caregivers and family members.  A Balloons of Memory flight will be launched immediately after the official launch of the organization at 6:15.

Additionally, you may munch on Nuts 'n Chocolates and shop specially designed and crafted products in "Pat's Corner," named for Geoffrey's mother Pat who died in 2012 at the age of 90 after 24 years with Alzheimer's.  Lynn Marie Jewelry offers beautiful aquamarine necklaces, and Feet of Memory tee-shirts will be available to order.
We will see you there...only a month away!

Check out our website for details about Feet of Memory, and information about the extreme walk from Key West to Maine...a journey of 2,400 miles we take in 2013.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Early Onset Dementia

Feet of Memory Inc. funds will go to help the Alzheimer's Association continue their research, education, advocacy and support services to help find an end to Alzheimer's disease. Many of the chapters offer education and support groups to help those with early-onset dementia and their care givers/partners.

Geoffrey's mother, Pat, developed early-onset dementia at around age 65, perhaps even earlier, and once told Geoffrey that "I will live to a great old age, but I won't remember any of it." Sadly,she was right. She lived five days past her 90th birthday 17 March, 2012 and did not remember anything for about a quarter of her years. Feet of Memory Inc. and Geoffrey's extreme endurance walks are in honor of her, and those like her....and to help end this disease.

Another friend has a rare form of early-onset dementia called frontal lobe dementia....he is about 70 years a wheelchair. Unable to speak. Knowing and understanding almost nothing. And growing worse by the day.

Please help us help them. Ask how you can support Feet of Memory Inc. During Geoffrey's walk from Key West to the Canadian border in Maine, you will have opportunities to walk with him, attend special dramatic stage performances, and donate to Feet of Memory Inc. read more about us on Contact us via email at
Thank you.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Early-onset Alzheimer's

Yesterday, a friend shared with us that two of his sisters have early-onset Alzheimer' is in a nursing center at age 60.
This is why we established Feet of Memory Inc- to help END Alzheimer's disease: This robbing of human thought and mind - often while still rather young. Of course, we all know there are no guarantees of long, healthy lives for any of us, but the kind of drawn-out dying of memory, thought, personality and body brought about by Alzheimer's disease is especially agonizing for the individual, the family and the community.

Please help us help find an end to Alzheimer's disease by supporting Feet of Memory.

Geoffrey's 2,400 mile walk honors his own mother who had early-onset Alzheimer's disease that lasted 24 years...nearly a quarter of her life when she did not recognize her own children and family. She could no longer enjoy her special hobby of building little ponds with lily pads, nor respond to holidays and birthdays, and life in general.

As he walks from Key West to Maine, each step is to honor her and to help raise funds to help the Alzheimer's Association in its many research, education, advocacy and support services as they work to end Alzheimer's disease.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Event dates

We are busy, busy organizing the walk and fund and awareness raisers to make it possible. This weekend we will look at an RV that may be a donation for the duration. Our new Creative Team is helping us with the planning and implementtation of these events.
So if you are in the Canton, Ohio area, here are a few dates for your calendar.
Launch Reception: October 24 from 5-7 pm at the Jackson Library on Fulton Road. Meet our Board of Directors, enjoy guest presenters, Nuts 'n Chocolates, the official launch with Balloons of Memory at 6:30. Please join us!

We are tying up loose ends for a fun fund-raiser at Vinoteca. Dates to be verified but should be November 16 and/or 17. Meet a past "King of Olde England," enjoy wine and a cheese/bread board, and live entertainment by professional musicians and Shakespearean actors. Details and ticket prices to be announced soon.

In December, come to the "Christmas Party Hop"! Again, details are now being confirmed and will soon be posted.

January features a Winterfest....hope there's some snow this winter!

February has an extra-fun, special event for the whole family to enjoy....but it's a secret for now......shhhhhhh.

As you see, we are very busy....if you can volunteer or help us out in any way, please write to us at

Feet of MemoryInc is a nonprofit organization with the purpose of raising awareness and funds for research, education support services oto help end Alzheimer's disease. Through extreme walks, such as the walk planned from Key West to Maine on historic US Rt 1 in 2013, Geoffrey and Rose Darling, along with a support team will present programs and walkathons from town to town along the way. Visit for more information. FInd us on Facebook, too.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pat's Place

Lynn Marie Jewelry delivered several of her handcrafted genuine aquamarine necklaces today, and they are so lovely! The soft blue color is peaceful and gentle, and the little silver fairie at the clasp set them off so well. The necklaces are in memory of Pat Darling, Geoffrey's mother who had Alzheimer's disease for 24 years. She passed on in March 2012, just five days after her 90th birthday. It is in her honor that Feet of Memory Inc presents these pieces of jewelry. Soon, other products will be added to Pat's Place.
The purchase of these necklaces (that come in various carats) will help Feet of Memory Inc in its goal to raise funds for the Alzheimer's Association and the many services they provide. Please email us at for details and prices.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Where does all the money go?

When we give money, time and abilities to organizations, we always want to know it is going to help meet needs...we usually expect to see some results from our donations.
People who give to religious organizations expect certain results, while those who support health care organizations expect other results. Organizations that deal with teens must meet needs while services to the homebound need to meet their specific needs.
Here at Feet of Memory (FOM) we raise funds to help well-established organizations in the field of Alzheimer's research, education and services. Our Board established that 75% of funds raised in 2012 and 2013 will go to the Alzheimer's Association with the other 25% to Feet of Memory operations to help us plan and implement Geoffrey's walks and the events needed to raise awareness and funds. These numbers exceed a standard of 65% to services.
We chose to support the Alzheimer's Association in 2012/13 because they offer a tremendous number of services to families, caregivers and individuals dealing with Alzheimer's Disease (AD). The human touch element of the Alzheimer's Association's services supports the many emotional as well as health needs that AD brings. These services alone are well worth Geoffrey's extreme endurance walk from Key West to Maine. But this organization also supports research and education...each of which requires a great deal of money.
As you support Feet of Memory you are supporting an organization that knows and appreciates the numerous services of the Alzheimer's Association .Through our walks, we help by raising greater awareness and funds on their behalf and that of the countless families served across America.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The other foot

In case you've ever wondered about who writes most of these blogs, it is I, Mrs Rose Darling. Geoffrey is out again in this 'stinkin' humidity, walking and keeping up his training. We have a board meeting tomorrow and the two of us have much to prepare.

Me in Dublin, Ireland,
October 2011

As Geoffrey pounds the pavement in his extreme walk from Key west to Maine, I plan to present a special program I co-wrote and presented numerous times for older adults with mild to mid-memory loss. It's a faith-based program, non-denominational, interactive and illustrative especially developed for small groups of about 12 people, but may be presented (successfully so) to much larger groups.

"Lessons in a Lunchbox" (c) 2002, packs illustrative items into an old-fashioned domed lunchbox for use in sharing the biblical story. A favorite 'lesson' is that of Ruth from the Old Testament. It is a story of family love and devotion, of strength in the midst of hard times, and faith. Songs and traditional hymns, psalms, and activities accompany the storytelling. Family photos, stalks of barley wheat and other tactile items also help stimulate the senses and memories.
When it was first introduced  to an Alzheimer's unit in 2002, a reporter from the Beacon Journal, Akron, Ohio, wrote how caregivers as well as those with memory loss were touched by the program. Several had tears in their eyes as they witnessed their loved one singing and even discussing some of the topics.

Anyway, while Geoffrey is walking, I will offer this program to retirement homes, adult day service centers, Alzheimer's support groups and others.

For many years I worked in retirement services as an activities director and in marketing/pr. It was while I was "Church Visitation Director" (a marketing position) for Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services Foundation that "Lessons in a Lunchbox" was written in response to a pastor's request to give church groups appropriate materials for use in services in retirement communities and nursing homes.

"Feet of Memory" is NOT a religious organization and "Lessons in a Luncbox" is NOT in any way an attempt to win people over to one way of religious thought. The two ("Feet of Memory" and "Lessons in a Lunchbox"are not inter-related. This is my interjection into the journey. I have to have something more than sight-seeing to do while he is walking! :-)
"Lessons" is a program based on traditional and historical songs, hymns, biblical verses and interactive discussions. I love presenting the program, and each time, I've been amazed at the response of people who rarely respond to anything! Family members and caregivers are invited to attend.

So, if you know a retirement community or other group similar to those mentioned above who would like to know more about this program, please contact me at The program just costs $60.00 and I provide the leadership, all illustrative items, song sheets and take-home projects. The facility provides at least one helper, or more depending on group size, and refreshments, if desired. The program lists suggested snacks.

About Rose M Darling

American Military University. MA in International Relations
Western Illinois University. BA in General Studies
Kent State University. Studies in music performance and journalism
Many courses in fundraising and development

Music director/organist/choir director for several churches across Ohio and in New Zealand. Presently with First Church, Canton, Ohio
Freelance journalist/writer in Ohio, New Zealand.
Co-authored "The Elf Princess."
Playwright "Songs Sung Blues" and "Benders at 11"

Wife of Geoffrey (2005 to forever)
Mother of three sons Charlie, David and Jeffery
M-I-L to Brenda, Vikki and Lynn
Grandma to Dylan, Morgan and Peyton
Sister to Victoria and Faythe
Cancer survivor through the grace of God, modern medicine and the TLC of those around me.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

About Geoffrey Darling

We've focused a lot of Geoffrey's 100 day walk in 2013, but I"ve not shared too much about his other "Feat" of memory. Geoffrey is an experienced, well-trained and awarded stage actor. In addition to his marathon-long walks each day, he offers solo performances of one of several plays. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," "Ludwig Van The Ancient Mariner," and "Tenacity," an original play about a conversation he had with his mother prior to her journey into the deep clouds of memory loss and Alzheimer's disease which she had for 24 long years.

Geoffrey has performed in numerous plays from the heaviest of dramas such as "Macbeth" to light-hearted comedies like "My Favorite Year," and even musicals such as "Porgy and Bess." His New Zealand training under Dame Ngaio Marsh at Canterbury University in beautiful Christchurch, New Zealand allowed him to discover his powerful voice and stage presence. Geoffrey has performed throughout New Zealand, London, Australia, Ireland and in the United States.

He has a great deal of experience in walking all day and performing at night. In 2002, he walked the length of the South Island of New Zealand on a fundraiser for the Bible Society After a days' journey, sometimes in chilly wind, rain and even snow, he performed a 90-minute dramatic presentation of the Gospel of St Mark.

The Secret Garden at the Magical Theatre in Barberton, Ohio
Geoffrey Darling offers his stirring performances to churches, Alzheimer Association chapters, senior community groups and others as he walks this journey from Key West to Maine. For more information or to book Mr. Darling, contact him at

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


It's a behind-the-desk and on-the-phone kind of day today as we work on press releases, networking and other 'operational'  things necessary to move our efforts forward. We are getting a new workstation/desk today and that means messy office time while we re-organize.

I strongly suggested that our Walker get out on the trail for awhile, so he left for the Towpath and all is well.

Our official Feet of Memory launch date is Wednesday, October 24 from 5-7 p.m. at the Jackson Library in Canton, Ohio. YOU are invited....and bring a friend!!! Details coming soon.

Feet of Memory supports research, education and services of organizations such as the Alzheimer's Association that help bring an end to Alzheimer's disease (AD).
Geoffrey Darling will walk 2,400 miles from Key West to Ft. Kent Maine starting 17 March 2013 to raise funds and awareness for the Alzheimer's Association.  This walk honors his mother Pat who had AD for 24 years before passing on in March 2012.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Services you help provide

How do donations translate into literal help for those dealing with Alzheimer's Disease? There are numerous hospitals, research labs, service organizations and governmental agencies that work to find an end to Alzheimer's Disease. Monies raised by organizations such as the Alzheimer's Association go toward advancing research, on advocacy for greater emphasis on Alzheimer's disease by government agencies, on education, and services. Local chapters and groups offer group support meetings, conferences, libraries, and speakers who can share what's new in research as well as practical advice on dealing with the challenges brought on by memory loss. Of course, Alzheimer's disease knows no geographic boundaries as people around the world deal with the devastating effects of memory loss and dementia.

Some of the groups may or may not include people with the disease. Often, as they slip into deeper memory loss, social activities slip away. A few years ago, I co-wrote and offered a "Bible study" program for those with mild to moderate memory loss. Family members were invited to participate and we were thrilled to find many sons and daughters bringing their parents to these interactive gatherings where they sang old hymns and responded to biblical stories they had heard as children. Many tears were seen in the eyes of family members as they witnessed their loved one singing and reciting songs and verses learned long, long ago.

As Geoffrey walks the 2,400 miles from Key West to Maine, I will gladly present this program to older adult church groups, retirement communities, support groups and others that are located within driving distance of his walk on historic US Rt 1. Just write to Rose at asking for Lessons in a Lunchbox (c)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

One pair of shoes worn out...How many shoes will Geoffrey wear out on his 2,400 mile walk? Two? Four?

It's Labor Day and a lovely one at that! So our dear Walker is out on the Towpath continuing his training.

We hope you have a restful day and spend some time with family and freinds.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Another long walk - but not the longest - ten years ago

This week my 30 mile walk was definitely my longest in a day - but ten years ago in New Zealand I came close to that mark and, thanks to the wonders of modern science ( Googlemaps) I  can confirm my longest day's walk when I covered the South Island's 600 miles in a month was a couple of miles shorter - BUT - I carried a full pack for the last 20 miles. Google lists the distance from Dunsandel to Ashburton at 47km and 30 miles is 50 km.

I wrote about it in my book "Mark Down the South Island" - available on Kindle from Amazon - and post the chapter here -

Chapter Thirteen - Dunsandel to Ashburton - The Marathon 
On this day our hero walks 26 miles, 42 kilometres, a marathon distance - ten before breakfast without a pack and 16 after with the heavy pack, from Rakaia to Ashburton, performs to 200 people and has his prayers answered.
The day began at 6am. The long straights of the Canterbury Plains were still not conquered, nor the darkness in midwinter. Ken had dropped  me off  back where I’d hitched a ride the night before. It was a long way back north but there was no compromising. If I wanted to say, unequivocally, without contradiction, even by myself, that I’d walked the South Island I had to go back to where I started.
It was freezing cold. Snow lay piled in drifts from the fall three days before and this snow I was to see for the next few days despite relatively fine weather. We figured I’d be back in about three hours and I noticed as I got the sleep out of my head that this was a very long straight by New Zealand standards.
Ken was used to early rises. The life of a bed and breakfast man and wife meant making exactly that but not in that order; first the breakfast for the handful of guests, then the beds. The rest of the day’s your own.
What motivated this man to rise even earlier that usual to get me back to my breaking off/starting point?  The price of the accommodation was a simple, almost paltry, $60. At that rate he and his wife were battling. I learned later he also sold real estate, and gave some fine, uncompromising South Island hospitality. Doubtless he’d done the same and more many times and his “going the extra mile” was not the first on that eventful journey, a Christian act without even stopping to think about it. He was just happy to be part of the adventure.
He dropped me off, a shade after 6am and I watched his tail-lights disappear. They seemed to take a long time. Well wrapped I set off after them. No idea how fast I was going, I set a steady pace nevertheless in the pitch darkness. I used my torch to highlight my position to oncoming motorists.
Little wind and the promise of a clear morning, I soon saw a light ahead and knew it was an oncoming car. What else could it be, unless it was the train on the tracks that ran parallel? This was the South Island main highway, and there was just one car on it about six miles away. I counted a full five minutes before that light, running towards me at 60 mph or more, became two headlights, grew larger and then whizzed past. Five minutes at 60mph equals - do the math - 100 divided by 12 equals -5 miles of straight - that is how far the car was away when it first appeared.
I kept on at pace, without a pack on me or breakfast inside it was easy to walk quickly, about 4mph - that meant I would get round the bend in about an hour and a quarter - but there was no way to tell how fast I was doing. All was relative, to the dark and the still early morning.
Soon lights began to take four and a half minutes to reach me, then four, and still the dawn refused to arrive. I had no idea how fast I was going, just that I was warm enough thank you and the lights when they appeared were closing in on me at shorter and shorter intervals. But always they were just the single light, still too far off to appear as two at first. Well you can draw an allegory from that if you like. I was just happy to draw near to breakfast.
The first time I drove on this stretch was the first time I drove, aged 18. Well I’d had a few lessons but I was hardly ready for the unnerving stint behind the wheel of a friend’s Austin A40 on a winter’s evening- on and on that road went and the effort  to steer straight, not yet naturally learned, was  enormous.
Much more fun a year later, again in winter, when I drove another old Austin,  David Wickham’s A40 Countryman, a vehicle he called his “three litre mass-o-rattles” instead of Maserati, to Dunedin in the middle of the night.
I’d only come to keep him awake but he fell asleep about 15 miles into the journey, or rather the car slowed and I realised that if we were going any further I’d be driving, still without a licence, to Dunedin. Some journeys are a watershed and this was one of them. These days, in modern cars, the Christchurch-Dunedin journey takes about five hours. This was longer. Hampered by a head wind, the mass-o-rattles rarely went faster than 50mph. We froze without an adequate heater but Wick slept though it. The one stop was about 3am in Timaru, no friendly all-night gas station in 1969, just a lone pint of milk on the steps of an office building, freezing cold and feloniously obtained.  Wick slept on as Dunedin and the reason for our journey  approached. The city was snowed in and we’d wanted to see it and be part of it. Chains were needed on the hills north of the city and high winds blew us out of our lane as we approached. The southern city in the pre-dawn looked like a Christmas-scene postcard..
Bang on 7am and eight hours since we left Christchurch, we knocked on the door of student friends from high school, the light just enough to see the remains of a snowman in the front yard. They were as amazed as we hoped they would be but Wick rained on the parade a little by announcing he was staying a few days.
I had to be on stage that night. I thought we were turning round and driving straight back, that’s why I came. I was in what was to become a legendary production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, directed by Dame Ngaio Marsh and starring Sam Neill, though the programme called him Nigel in those days. Right under his name was mine, at 19 I was playing old Egeus, father of one of the young lovers.
But not much use if I was stuck in Dunedin. Here is why the journey became a watershed. I got back OK, hitch-hiking naturally, and Wick returned a few days later with a hitch-hiker of his own. John was an Australian diver (taking a break from being an accountant) who lived in Invercargill but had a girlfriend in Christchurch. He would come to visit often in the next few months. A year later I was staying with him in Adelaide where we flatted together for two years, where I studied theatre. Had it not been for John I would not have gone to Adelaide and been told I would be a lost soul all my life I did not make theatre my life. Actually the question then and now, was how to combine theatre and worship of God. Mark is the answer there.

Rakaia drew nearer as the night turned to day but there was one obstacle left – the mile long road bridge was very narrow.

It was and still is also the longest bridge in the roading network. The Rakaia is a braided river and its changing channels are spread over a wide area, necessitating the longest bridge on the state highway network, with a length of 1.1 miles. In normal flows the braided river channels sweep in winding courses across the gravel beds, which are up to a mile wide. During summer floods, fed by the melting snow, the waters reach from bank to bank, so long multispan structures are needed to bridge such a river.
Because of its climate and topography, New Zealand has more bridges, on a population basis, than any other country in the world. An early solution to the problem of cost was to build a bridge for combined use by rail and road traffic. But that was in 1873. In 1939 they opened a road bridge alongside that still stands and took away the now unnecessary road part of the rail bridge.
I decided to skip two hundred metres inland and take the rail bridge, and use the fact that trains did not run on Sundays in the South Island. No passenger trains ran anymore. The glamour of rail travel that enthrals Europe and its large population does not excite tourists and certainly not the native population. The Christchurch-Dunedin- Invercargill trains died out long ago and the goods trains only ran during the week – leaving the bridge for me alone. 
Travellers who scoot across the road bridge miss something special and the word should get out that a Sunday morning walk across the bridge, with no fear of a train coming should be on everyone’s to do list. Maybe an excursion train would come – but that’s where faith, and the emergency laybys, come in.
It was a glorious walk in the early morning; the snow drifts on the side of the road behind me gave way to mountains reaching almost down to the river in the distance as I looked upstream. Below me the classic blue of the South Island glacial melt river and braids sweeping and turning as they formed their own course. By contrast mine was right ahead and I clipped along happily, savouring the moment that the mountains put their winter coat on against the clear blue of the still Sunday morning. I reached the guest house again about 9.30 am and found a late breakfast waiting and so it was not much before 11am that I set off for  Ashburton, pack-a-back and already 10 miles under my belt with another 17 to go.  
At three miles an hour, pack-pace, that looked like a 5pm arrival in Ashburton and I tried hard to keep a steady pace. It was flat and easy walking but my feet were getting sore. The organisers of the Gospel presentation that evening did their best to keep me encouraged by cellphone and the local press came out to meet me, take a picture and leave me to it. Not many places to find a drink and I sipped at my meagre supply.  
My feet were sore. It was the first time I had found any physical trouble. No sore knees, back and least of all feet, until now. I think the new trainers were the problem, rubbing hard against my heels. I was still striding along but giving a few limping moments when I young man pulled up alongside.
“Are you Geoffrey? I am coming to hear you tonight”
“Great… how far to go ?”
“About five miles now. God has told me to pray for your feet.  Get in”
Although this was the main highway. Route 1, it was only one lane wide in either direction and did not need to be any more.  He was close enough to touch almost as he pulled alongside and I took the pack off and hobbled across to him.
We prayed then and there, in the front seat, for the Lord to bless my sore feet, to give me purpose and reach my destination safely. It was a simple and  loving act and when I raised my head I felt lighter and younger and my feet had no pain. I skipped across the road  back to my pack and set off again, renewed and thanking the Lord for sending me his faithful servant.
Soon the organiser arrived with another drink and I kept going as night closed, just before the town of  Ashburton hove in view – as sailors don’t say. At my host’s house they gave me a warm bath and a little rest,  some methylated spirits for my feet and the opportunity to savour my longest day – 27 miles including 17 with the pack. A marathon whichever measurement you make.
I presented Mark in bare feet that evening and later several members of the audience said they could see the blisters. One man stopped me in the street  the next day as I was walking out of Ashburton and told me I had been limping so badly he wanted to offer me a lift. Bless him.
There were about 120 people that heard Mark’s Gospel presented after that marathon day and there was probably no better reconstruction of how the Gospel was first brought to people, not only all over the Middle East but all over the world, by people walking and by word of mouth.