Thursday, May 31, 2012

On the Sunny Side of the Street

Warm weather...or in the case of the southern states, HOT weather, presents specific challenges to walkers and outdoor activities. Staying hydrated is an absolute must, and water, good, cold water, is the best thing to drink. Your body can sweat off a lot of important fluids and they must be replaced or weakness, dizziness, heart palpitations, confusion and fanting (among other things) may occur. For more information visit

Carry several bottles of water, and if temperatures are quite toasty, freeze one bottle (or even two), to carry in your pants or vest! Not only will you have cold water to drink as it thaws, but the chill of the frozen bottle will help keep your body cooler! Have occasional high-carbohydrate/protein snacks. Keep a cell phone handy in case you require assistance. Always notify local police of your walk and route.

To a long-distance walker, starting out in the coolest hours of the day gives you a head start, and as the day warms, drinking plenty of non-sugary liquids- especially water, and keeping your head covered with a hat is essential. Seek shady areas, especially during the hours when the sun is highest in the sky, usually from around 11 a.m. until 2 or 3 p.m., depending on the season. Plan ahead for safety.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Walking Florida US 1

I remember driving to Miami down historic U S Route 1 some years ago, past lovely pastel houses with the ocean just beyond. But I never went so far as Key West. Looking forward to that.

Florida Keys Overseas Trail stretches 106 miles from Key West to Key Largo and Geoffrey plans to walk every inch in March 2013 to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer's support and research.

 Check out the website at

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

HOT stuff

The Memorial weekend was record-breaking hot in Ohio this year, but Geoffrey was out each day walking the trails. When weather is not ideal, one must keep walking anyway, especially when training for a big event. Plan your walking times for the coolest time of the day, usually early morning, or late in the evening, but early morning is usually coolest. Or find an indoor walking track or use a treadmill when outdoor conditions make it impossible to walk outside.
When we began to plan the actual walk, it was easy to make March the starting date for the walk. Not only is it the birthday month of Geoffrey's mother, but the weather is tolerable in southern Florida...something important for a northerner to consider!

We all need to be sure to keep on walking and moving no matter weather conditions.

Monday, May 28, 2012

We remember...they can't

Today, in the midst of picnics and barbeques and vacation preparations, we pause to gratefully remember  those people who paved the way for our freedom. The daring men and their wives and families way back in the 1770s made this land the United State of America, with liberty and justice for all. We honor those who went off to war in the Great World Wars; my maternal grandfather was a WWI sharpshooter, and his son in the Navy during WWII. My middle son served in the US Navy during the first Desert Storm. They all came home to their waiting and praying families. Not all had that chance. We remember and honor them.

But today, I must also remember those with Alzheimer's Disease. These people are imprisoned in a mental  torture chamber where family and friends no longer exist. If they do remember, many times the recollection is distorted and puzzling..and painful for the loved ones to watch.

Help us in our walk to end Alzheimer's help make people free from the prisons of memory loss. Help us raise multiple thousands of dollars to support this association's efforts.

We remember....they can't.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Maine thing

Maine is cradled against the Canadian border and Fort Kent is the finish line for our journey. A monument for historic U.S. Route 1 which Geoffrey will walk in 2013 stands at the end of the nearly 2,400 mile road that begins in Key West, Florida. Be sure to stop and say hello to Geoffrey as he passes by...and even better, attend a benefit and help end Alzheimer's Disease through your contributions!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mostly sunny with fruit smoothies

While Geoffrey trekked  5.3 miles this morning along the Canal towpath, a wonderful 3 yr old and I enjoyed sunshine and a smoothie in the park and met Geoffrey as he neared us. Getting children out running and walking will hopefully set up a lifetime of activity...being active and taking care of themselves...body, mind and spirit. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Say it with me, I believe....

Wish I had more news to share, but we play the waiting game right now...and believe this walk will happen in 2013.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Good Monday to you

Time to start a new week. What are YOUR walking plans and goals?  Even if it's not far, just getting out and moving is good for us all. Take some time today and stretch those legs  and work some muscles. They will thank you for it.
I plan to go to the pool for some water execrise this week. Splash, splash.

Geoffrey continues his waking and training as we continue to fine-tune our proposal and plans. As the situation moves along, you will be among the first to know! Aren't you lucky duckies?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Treasure mapping

Did you ever make a treasure map? I've done it before and it sure helps 'make' things happen. You take pictures of what you want to happen or achieve or should be something important, honest and good...paste these pictures on a poster board 'map' or diagram of your goal. Then look at it daily...look and believe and achieve.
We will.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

"It's an RV, Clark"

One of my favorite five movies is Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase. Remember when cousin Eddie drives up in that rickety old RV? Oh my!  Well, we went out looking at RVs (NOT the Cousin Eddie kind!) this morning to see what size and type will best suit our needs for The Walk. A 21 foot Class C Coachmen Freelander or similar seems just perfect. We will need a support vehicle like this and the donation of gasoline for the long journey, too. If you can help with any of the following, please speak up! As soon as we get the official endorsement, we will have access to tax donations forms for your generous donations.

Needs list:
Sponsorship for the vehicle (donated for the four months)
Gasoline card  for about $2500
Sponsored sports footwear and gear such as rainwear
Bottled water
High energy snacks to carry

To be continued!

Friday, May 18, 2012

movin' on up

We had an excellent meeting yesterday with local people who are recommending that the national organization sponsor and support our efforts. We really cannot do much without an organization's backing.
So, although I cannot give details yet, I can say, 'lookin' good!'

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Step one

Ok, so we had the meeting and everyone is excited and supportive...but there is one more step toward the executive support that we stay tuned. Soon we will be able to share all!
In the meantime, enjoy life!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tomorrow, tomorrow...I'll tell ya tomorrow

Tomorrow is the big meeting...we are getting our proposal packaged up and pulled togther this evening.  Hope to have a great update tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Do it now.

It's Tuesday morning and what a beautiful morning it is! Next year at this time, Lord willing, we will be somewhere mid-Atlantic coast walking for funds and awareness of Alzheimer's Disease. This Thursday, we have that important meeting....then we will have lots more to share with you.

In the meantime, walk...for you...walk for your family and friends...walk because you can.

Monday, May 14, 2012

These legs are made for walkin'

THURSDAY is a BIG DAY for us as we present our walk proposal.
Send prayers and good wishes our way, please.

So what needs to happen before a walk and even take its first step? First, you have to have good supportive shoes and good strong legs and bones. At least that is my opinion. My skinny-boned legs are not made for distance walking, but Geoffrey's are like strong columns that carry him very far. Long-distance  wakling is more about endurance than speed, but of course, for 2,400 miles, you have to set up a decent pace or you'll never get there! I believe Geoffrey plans to walk at (about) 3.8 mph....I'll let you know how that goes. But most days he plans to walk 25-30 miles starting in the cooler hours of the morning, and taking short breaks as needed. Of course, a big part of this trip means stopping in many places to present his memory programs and raising funds. This will influence the number of miles and hours per day.

Professional actor, Geoffrey Darling pictured in a scene from The Secret Garden at Barberton Ohio's Magic Theatre.

Over and out for now....

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sorry - I've been away for a few days....well, not away, away, but busy writing as I complete my master's degree coursework. I must start my final research paper this weekend.....
We continue to make plans, mark maps, and get our proposal together for an important meeting on May 17. Pray for success, please....if anyone reads this, yet.
In the meantime, Geoffrey walks and walks and plans and plans while people continue to develop signs of Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias that rob them and their families and friends of memories of days gone by. I'll post a list of signs that may signal memory loss, but of course, any disease may have symptoms like those of other diseases. Contact a medical professional.

Monday, May 7, 2012

30 million but then, who's counting?

The training continues as Geoffrey is out on a long walk. We took four youngsters on a walk along the Towpath canal walk yesterday afternoon - future marathon walkers/runners in the making!

When  Geoffrey walks from Key West Florida to Maine, and I follow as support driver, we will pass through some of America's most densely populated east cities such as Miami, Jacksonville, Baltomire, Philadelphia, New York City, and Boston.  These cities offer the potential to raise awareness of (and funds) for Alzhemier's research and support of more than 30 MILLION people.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's Saturday morning and Geoffrey is out for the BIG FUNDRAISER next year. His endurance is already quite good, and it will be even better by then.

There are lots of things to consider when doing a huge many multi-day walk...what shoes to wear, what high energy snacks and drinks to take while walking, skin protection, bug repellant, especially down in the southern states like Florida along U.S. Rt 1. 

If you have taken a multi-day walk, do you have any suggestions?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Time's a-comin'

when people will read and heed the message of this blog. In the meantime, we are planning carefully for this 2,400 mile walk from Key West, Florida to the Canadian border in Maine.  This trek along U.S. Rt 1 will take us through a densely populated coastline with millions and millions of people along the way. Alzheimer's Disease more than likely affects many of the families of this area, and our goal is to raise funds and greater awareness of the good work of the Alzheimer's Association researchers, support systems, information and more.

New Zealand native Geoffrey Darling is not new to mega-marathon walks. In 2002 he walked the 600 miles of his native South Island, then presented performances of the Gospel of St Mark as a fundraiser for the Bible Society. This photo was taken on the walk near Timaru, South Island, New Zealand.

More about Geoffrey's amazing feats  of (and feet for) memory coming up!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

SOMEDAY, yes, someday soon, you will actually read this blog. And by reading you will agree that Feet for Memory is a wonderful way to give hoonor to a mother and her family who suffered the effects of memory loss for over 24 years. Follow the journey as we plan, raise funds and support, and take the 2,400 mile walk from Key West to Maine in honor of Pat Darling and the many others with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
We are working on our proposal for support and in two weeks, we pray we will have the necessary endorsements for this massive project!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Put One Foot in Front of the Other

Follow us on a 2,400 mile journey from Key West to Maine to raise funds and awareness for Alzheimer's research and support. 

This "feet for memory" honors Geoffrey Darling's mother and family who suffered the effects of Alzheimer's Disease for 24 years. Each 100 miles equals every year.  

The trek begins with the launching of this blog  May 1, 2012 and the walk starting in Key West on March 17, 2013. It sounds a long way off, but time does fly!

Follow along our journey ... and please, lend your support.