Feet of Memory Inc. marches on toward a successful Walk from Key West to Maine. As we hold public events and fundraisers, we also get the word about about Alzheimer's disease and its effects on lives...not just the one with the disease, but the family and community. Unlike many other diseases, Alzheimer's steals away one's life....past, present and future. Memories, self-awareness, and closest relationships are wiped away as the disease progresses. It may begin at an early age....such as 50s or 60s, but aging beyond 80 is the 'norm.' Researchers continuously seek the reasons why people develop this disease, as well as means to control and even end it.
Alzheimer's stole away Geoffrey's mother Pat...for more than 24 years, she slipped deeper and deeper into the thickening clouds of memory loss. Like many patients, her physical health was pretty good. She was a strong and fit Kiwi woman and to look at her - until the later stages of Alzheimer's disease, you might not know her memory and ability to speak coherently, to tell you her name, or recognize her family....had gone.
Our goal is to walk these 2,400 miles beginning on the anniversary of Pat's birthday 17 March, 2013 and tell her story...which is the story of many... as we journey historic U.S. Rt. 1. More than 32 millions people live within a 25 mile radius of this road, and we want to share her story while raising funds so others won't ever have a similar story to tell.
Thank you for your support.
Feet of Memory Inc is located in Canton, Ohio, with an international goal to present endurances walks to help end Alzheimer's disease...whether here in the US or in other global locations. Additionally, Geoffrey offers several solo theatrical performances to groups. His performances include "Tenacity" which is about his mother's journey with Alzheimer's disease, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," "The Gospel of St Mark," and "Sermon on the Mount." Rose offers Lessons in a Lunchbox to retirement homes, adult day centers and other organizations with people in early to mid-stage dementias.
Contact us at 330-819-8109 (Geoffrey)
or via email: feetmemory@ yahoo.com
on our website at www.feetofmemory.com