Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Rainy days

So, today is gorgeous again here in northeast Ohio. A perfect day for a nice long walk along the towpath..Alas, the forecast for tomorrow is rain, rain, rain. Well, we desperately need the rain, so it's not really an 'alas.'

It does raise the question of walking in the rain, and, especially, stormy weather. If the weather is not threatening storms, then bring out the little kid in you, slide on some lightweight raingear including your waterproof shoes, and let the raindrops fall!

However, stormy weather may be dangerous, and you don't want to land up in the hospital or worse, so stay indoors when conditions are poor. Do your walking in the gym. I know it's not nearly as effective as walking outdoors, but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

Florida and along the southern Atlantic coast often has spontaneous rainfalls, so be prepared. If you are doing extreme walks, have raingear - very lightweight in your backpack. Know where to find shelter...have your route clearly planned, just in case. Your health and life are more important than the goal of miles.

Also be aware that after it rains, bugs may be out in full force. Have whatever repellant you prefer on hand and use it. Geoffrey often uses dryer sheets tucked in his shorts pockets and they seem to work very well keeping bugs away.

Rain is a wonderful gift, and for a walker, it need not deter your walking, but use common sense and be safe in stormy conditions.

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