Thursday, August 16, 2012

Itinerary looks dauntingly fun

St Paddy's Day minus 223 and all's well - with 450 training miles under the belt and 1950 to go - until I realise that, when translated to the actual walk from Key West to Fort Kent, Maine, that does not even get us out of Florida. Or even to the second scheduled rest day. At mile-peg 450 we will be a day's march from St Augustine Beach and still three days from reaching Georgia - so even though a gentle nine mile walk beckons today we know the time has come to put in some testing 25-miles plus walks. Question is, when can we spare the time for the all-day effort and the all-week recovery.  As summer threatens to close down temperatures in sunny Ohio and bring this Golden Weather to an End, I want to get the daily average required to below 8 miles per day by the beginning of December - because I want to have walked 2400 miles in training since May 23 ( when records began, as they say in the weather forecasts) - the  required average is still 8.71 daily miles and the completed average - well let's math the do. 450/ 82 is 5.48 per day! - that's a revelation. I thought things were better than that.  Too many days off, too much self-indulgence and not enough reality. Nevertheless the physical results are still good and the pulse rate is 46.
So take a quick look at the schedule and see if you agree that, even at eight months out, we need to get urgent -

Florida                                               miles

March 17:  Key West to Big Pine Key     30 

March 18: Big Pine Key to Marathon     18

March 19:  Marathon to Layton              20

March 20: Layton to Key Largo               31

March 21: Key Largo to Homestead       30

March 22: Homestead to Cutter Bay     12

March 23: Cutter Bay to Miami Beach   23

March 24: Miami Bch to Ft Lauderdale 24

March 25: Ft Lauderdale to Delray Bch  29

March 26: Delray to West Palm Beach  19

March 27: Day off walking

March 28: W.Palm Bch to Hobe Sound  27

Good Friday: Hobe to White City           24

March 30: White City to Vero Beach      27

Easter Sunday: Vero to Grant                 22

April 1: Grant to Palm Shores                                21

April 2: Palm Shores to Titusville           30

April 3: Titusville to Bethune Beach       24

April 4: Bethune to Daytona                   23

April 5: Daytona to Flagler                     20

April 6: Flagler to St Augustine Beach   28

April 7: Day off walking

April 8: St Augustine Bch to Bayard       25

April 9: Bayard to Jacksonville                17

April 10: Jacksonville to Callahan           20


April 11: Callahan to Folkston                                22

April 12: Folkston to Waycross Forest   27

April 13: Waycross F. to Alma                                32

April 14: Alma to Baxley                         20

April 15: Baxley to Toombs Central        19

April 16: Toombs to Oak Park                 24

April 17: Day off walking

April 18: Day off walking

April 19: Oak Park to Swansboro            18

April 20: Swansboro to Louisville           30

April 21: Louisville to Blythe                   29

April 22: Blythe to North Augusta          21

April 23: North August to Ridge Spring  32

South Carolina

April 24: Ridge Spring to Lexington        28

April 25: Lexington to Dentsville            18

April 26: Dentsville to Camden               25

April 27: Camden to McBee                   27

April 28: McBee to Cheraw                    28

April 29: Cheraw to  Rockingham           20

North Carolina

April 30:  Rockingham to Aberdeen       26

May 1: Day off walking

May 2: Aberdeen to Sanford                  30

May 3: Sanford to Jordan Lake               21

May 4: Jordan Lake to Raleigh               25

May 5: Raleigh to Wake Forest              17

May 6: Wake Forest to Henderson        27

May 7: Henderson to Palmer Springs    24

May 8: Palmer Sp. to  Meredithville      26


May 9: Meredithville to McKenny          18

May 10: McKenny to Petersburg            26

May 11: Petersburg to Richmond           22

May 12: Day of walking

May 13: Richmond to Ashland               16

May 14: Ashland to Co.606                     27

May 15: Co.606 to Aquila Park               24

May 16: Aquila Park to Springfield         27

May 17: Day off walking

May 18: Springfield to College Park       24


May 19: College Park to Baltimore        26

May 20: Baltimore to Bel Air                 23

May 21: Bel Air to Rising Sun                 22

May 22: Rising Sun to Kennett Square   24


May 23: Kennett Sq. to Drexel Hill         24

May 24: Drexel  to Philadelphia East     24

May 25: Phil. East to  Princeton             25

New Jersey

May 26: Princeton to Woodbridge         26

May 27: Woodbridge to Newark            15

May 28: Newark to Pelham Manor        27

New York

May 29: Pelham Manor to Rye               9

May 30: Day off walking

May 31: Rye to Norwalk                         19


June 1: Norwalk to Milford                     21

June 2: Milford to Guilford                     24

June 3: Guilford to Old Lyme                  25

June 4: Old Lyme to Mystic                    23

June 5: Mystic to Kingston                      30

Rhode Island

June 6: Kingston to Cranston                  24

June 7: Cranston to South Walpole        24


June 8: South Walpole  to Quincy          22

June 9: Quincy to Revere                        15

June 10: Day off walking

June 11:  Revere to Newburyport           30

June 12: Newburport to Portsmouth      20

New Hampshire

June 13: Portsmouth to Kenneburk        26


June 14: Kenneburk to Portland              26

June 15: Portland to Brunswick              26

June 16: Brunswick to Damoriscotta      26

June 17: Damoriscotta to Rockland        27

June 18: Day off walking

June 19: Rockland to Belfast                  20

June 20: Belfast to East Orland              22

June 21: East Orland to Hancock            24

June 22: Hancock to Addison                  31

June 23: Addison to East Macha            22

June 24: East Macha to Pembroke         27

June 25: Pembroke to Calais                  26

June 26: Calais to Princeton                   20

June 27: Princeton to Houlton Road       26

June 28: Houlton Rd to Amity                                30

June 29: Amity to Monticello                 27

June 30: Monticello to Presque Isle       28

July 1: Presque Isle to Caribou                13

July 2: Caribou to Van Buren                  22

July 3: Van Buren to Madawaska           24

July 4: Madawaska to Fort Kent             20         


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